​​10 Pinterest Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

Pinterest is a visual engine that not only works to save ideas and inspiration but also uses the information from your searches so you can purchase products (many related to decoration or fashion) from companies that you might like based on your saved pins.

While this platform has a more limited reach than giants like Facebook or Instagram, Pinterest has continued adding features (such as its ads tool) to improve the experience for users and brands. So are you ready to dabble in this app this year? Here are 10 Pinterest statistics you need to know this 2024. 

Pinterest currently has around 445 million active users

Pinterest is far from the numbers of apps like TikTok that, by the end of 2022, already exceeded one billion users. However, to give you a realistic idea, with around 435 million active users, Pinterest is currently above other platforms such as Reddit (430 million) and only below Twitter (486 million).

The reason is simple and is evident in the most recent annual report by Hootsuite, which shows that at least 27% of social media users access those apps in search of inspiration for things to do or buy. And guess what? That’s the niche Pinterest reaches.

40% of Pinterest users prefer to feel inspired vs. users on other platforms 

The reasons that make users prefer one app over another are entirely different. For example, you could access one in search of fun content and another in search of job opportunities. 

In the case of Pinterest, 40% of its users do so because they feel the platform inspires them to do what they see in the pins they usually save, and for this reason, they find no problem in being guided by the app.

That scenario makes a valuable opportunity for brands that use inspiration as part of their language. That, coupled with an attractive visual aesthetic, can make the user’s shopping experience successful and much more meaningful. 

86.3 % of Pinterest users also use Instagram

One thing is sure in the behavior of social media users: very few exclusively access a single platform without using others. 

In the Pinterest experience, that type of user only reaches 0.2%. On the other hand, most of those who regularly access the app (86.3%) have another visual format platform in common: Instagram.

Use that scenario to your advantage to share content on both platforms simultaneously. Not only will your brand be a reference in the minds of those who feel inspired by its products or tips, but also you can direct them to your different e-commerce channels, such as your Instagram account or your website. 

Women represent more than 60% of Pinterest’s global audience.

Pinterest’s delight lies in the aesthetics of genuine content, as 97% of top searches do not include any branding. 

The inclination for that kind of pleasant content focused on awakening creativity and for multiple other reasons makes the majority of Pinterest users women (60%, according to the company). 

Other studies reinforce the above scenario. For example, the statistical portal Statista shows that only in the United Kingdom 74.5% of users are women, while only 18.9% are men.

90% of Pinterest users search for design and home decorating ideas.

While most of those who access Pinterest do so to find new designs and home decor ideas, there is other relevant content on the platform.  

Data published on marketing portals have also identified that around 80% of searches are related to recipes, personal style ideas, beauty, and fitness.

The United States concentrates 44.05% of Pinterest’s web traffic.

To know whether or not it is worth taking part in your loyalty strategy to Pinterest, you should pay attention to the places that generate the most traffic to the platform’s website.

In that order of ideas, this is the distribution ranking by country according to Statista’s most recent measurements:

  • The U.S. contributes 44.05% of the total traffic of the app. 
  • Brazil represents 8.4% of visits.
  • India contributes 4.82%.
  • Argentina with 2.4%.
  • Colombia with 2.15%.

Pinterest is the favorite social media platform of at least 1.5% of Internet users.

In 2022, the number of users of different types of social media apps reached 3.96 billion. So which one is the favorite? Of course, the answer can be very relative; however, according to Hootsuite data and with 15.7% responses in favor, WhatsApp leads over other platforms such as Instagram (14.8%) or Facebook (14.5%).

Pinterest has yet to reach those numbers, but it is the favorite of at least 1.5% of users, meaning that more than 45 million people consider this platform their number-one choice. It is also okay compared to other apps with great engagement, such as TikTok, which reaches 5.4% of favoritism. 

One of the reasons for Pinterest’s preference could be the company itself, as its data shows that 8 out of 10 of its users say that the platform makes them feel positive and remember that looking for inspiration is one of the favorite activities of social network users.

Ads can reach more than 220 million people on Pinterest. 

The number of users an ad can reach on Pinterest is rising. Since Pinterest started allowing its targeting tools to get into more countries, its advertising reach has increased, making its ads able to reach 50 million more people in two years.

By the beginning of 2022, Pinterest ads could reach up to 225 million people, or 2.9% of the world’s population, with the United States having the most prominent advertising audience with 86 million users. 

According to Hootsuite, this is how the distribution of countries continues for the reach of ads on Pinterest:

  • Brazil reaches a 27 million ad audience.
  • Mexico with 17.8 million.
  • Germany with 15.1 million. 
  • France with 11 million.

Pinterest users are 15% more likely to buy a new product only a week old at launch.

If you are considering advertising on Pinterest, you should know that if the aesthetics of your images show the “lifestyle” that your brand proposes, it will give you 32% more CTR than publishing stock products. 

That makes Pinterest a great place for trend hunting, explaining why its users are up to 15% more likely to purchase a new product within just one week of launch.

48.6% of Pinterest users are “light” users.

According to Statista, a “heavy” user logs into a social media app with a regularity that exceeds in time at least two-thirds of a month. 

The data collected by the statistical portal show that, specifically in the United States (the country with the highest number of Pinterest users), only 7.3% were heavy users. 

In contrast, 48.6% are currently light users, which means that although they also access the platform, they tend to do so less regularly.


  • Pinterest is a platform still growing, and until the end of 2022 was still expanding different tools to new markets such as South America. 
  • At the same time that Pinterest expands, it remembers the trends, which is why, it will bet on the impulse of video content and virtual and augmented reality.
  • Still far from reaching the audience other platforms capture, its numbers have positioned Pinterest as an app to consider if you want to increase your brand’s online presence in front of an audience that may reach your content from the value.

About Author

Andrea Mercado is a tech-focused journalist and copywriter with over 5 years of experience covering innovation, edtech, AI, and internet trends across media outlets. She is passionate about how technology can democratize access to education and is an avid learner when it comes to emerging tech like AI. Her articles and webinars help readers stay informed on the latest tech developments.