10 YouTube Statistics Every Marketer Should Know in 2024

YouTube is the most used video platform worldwide. With 2.4 billion active users by 2022, it exceeds up to 0.7 billion users compared to other robust social media such as Instagram.

Clear about the previous proportion is necessary if you want to design an effective digital marketing strategy, as the exposure it can give you in a platform whose ads reach 30% of the population. What else do you need to take into account? Pay attention to these 10 YouTube stats that every marketer should know in 2023 – 2024.

1. With 3.62 billion unique visits, YouTube is the second most visited website on the Internet

When thinking about the best websites for a broad audience to learn about your brand, don’t forget about YouTube. A study by Semrush in March 2022 determined that YouTube was the second most visited site on the Internet after Google, with 27.6 billion visits in that month alone (of which at least 3.6 billion were from unique users).

Well, the number of visitors to a platform is one thing; the amount of time they spend on it is another. In this sense, YouTube takes the lead, surpassing Google, as its users spend an average of 27 minutes per page visit. Six minutes more than Google visitors.

2. A user’s average time on YouTube is 74 minutes a day.

A good indicator to know in which platform to invest time and money is the time users spend on them. That way, you can have a little more guaranteed brand visibility to a significant public. So what should you keep sight of, according to this measurement? TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook, indeed.

Therefore, in line with the previous statistic, Data.AI’s annual study measured the behavior of users concerning different platforms and determined that YouTube is the second platform on which its users spend the most time (23.2 hours per month), after TikTok (23.6 hours). 

That means that, on average, the YouTube user spends 24 minutes a day browsing the platform, which is a significant opportunity to start producing video advertising.

3. 51.8% of YouTube advertising reaches an audience between 18 and 44.

Now that you know the reach YouTube ads have on its general platform population, the next thing to do is ask yourself about the audience that consumes YouTube the most. 

According to Google, as of July 2022, 51.8% of YouTube advertising reached an audience between 18 and 44. However, the 25-34-year-old population consumes the most ads on the platform (20.5%). 

Of that percentage, 11.8% is a male audience, and 8.7% is a female audience, an interesting fact that will be useful when planning the tone of the language you will use in your campaigns.

4. 90% of the people in the US who are regular YouTube users earn more than $75,000 per year.

India remains the country with the most 18+ YouTube users through 2022, (467,000,000) representing 36.5% of that audience globally, but the US is not far behind. 

The US is the second country that consumes the most YouTube videos (245,000,000 users over 18 years old). Still, those with high incomes are more likely to browse the platform, an interesting fact because it is an audience with purchasing power that could mean conversions for your brand.

A Pew Research study found that seven out of 10 Americans use social media regularly and that 90% of those with annual incomes of more than $75,000 per year frequently visit YouTube. 

Meanwhile, 83% of those earning between $30,000 and $50,000 a year also claim to be regular users of the platform.

The study, conducted in 2021, also found a relationship between high levels of schooling in the US and YouTube video consumption. It showed that 89% of those with more than a college education frequented YouTube more than adults with only a high school education (70%).

5. Advertising on YouTube reaches 8.8% more male than female audiences in general

User behavior and audience usage on YouTube can give you insights on how better to target your video campaigns for success on this platform.

So, in addition to considering that 62% of internet users access YouTube daily in the U.S., it is also good to know that more men than women usually see ads on that platform.

According to internal Google data, YouTube advertising is seen by 54.4 % of adult male users, while it reaches 45.6 % of women who use the platform. 

6. According to 73% of marketers, YouTube is the second platform that gives brands the most exposure 

Converting an ad into sales is every marketer’s dream. However, when planning your ad campaigns, you should know what to expect from each platform. Want to generate leads for your website? Go to Facebook. Need exposure to get more customers to know your brand? Then keep an eye on YouTube.

Social Media Examiner’s most recent digital marketing report studied the responses of 2,800 marketers, and it showed that 73% consider YouTube to be the platform that gives their brands the most exposure after Instagram (75%)  

In terms of conversion and according to the same study, YouTube is the third platform that represents the most sales for brands (20%).

7. The use of YouTube in marketing strategies has grown by 3% since 2018.

While Facebook’s decline is evident (even though it remains the most used platform in digital marketing), YouTube’s is ever-increasing. 

Studies show that while Meta’s use of the oldest social network for sales purposes has fallen from 67% to 47% in 5 years, YouTube’s has gone from 4% to 7% simultaneously.

Thus, the video website ranks as the fourth most used platform for this purpose, according to 52% of marketers surveyed by Social Media Report.

8. YouTube ads can secure up to 4.37% of a website’s total traffic. 

If, after the last statistic, you insist on looking for leads and traffic to your website from YouTube (instead of visibility), you should know that a study by Statcounter showed that the clicks that advertising placed on YouTube could generate up to 4.37% of traffic to your site.

The above percentage ranks behind clicks generated from Pinterest (5.38%), Instagram (6.11 %), TikTok (7.50%), and Facebook (75.27%) but is above other social networks such as LinkedIn (0.20%). 

You may not think it’s worth looking for leads from YouTube, but remember that advertising on this platform has the potential to reach at least 2 billion users.

9. 26% of marketers agree that YouTube is the third-best platform for developing loyal fans

From the moment a customer learns about your brand to the point at which they decide to buy, it can be a long road. However, trust and closeness are the best way to pave that path. 

On this point, Social Media Examiner showed that after Instagram (38%) and Facebook (38%), 26% of marketers say that YouTube is the best platform for developing a loyal audience.

Take advantage of the extended video format to accompany your audience, and get to know the added value of your brand and how your proposal can make their day-to-day life more bearable.

According to the report, when it comes to loyalty, YouTube is followed by TikTok (25%) and Twitter (23%).

10. 67% of marketers plan to increase the use of YouTube in their strategies

At a time when video is becoming the dominant consumer format, it pays to know what will be the most efficient digital strategy that is in line with the trends you will design for your marketing plan in the new year. 

Only 6% of B2C marketers use YouTube to expose their campaigns. For that reason and in the face of the strength of video content, 54% of marketers plan to train better in YouTube Ads making YouTube the third platform in which professionals want to specialize more after Facebook (65%) and Instagram (64%).

Concerning the above scenario, Social Media Examiner’s annual report showed that 67% of marketers will increase the use of YouTube in their marketing plans by 2024. 

About Author

Andrea Mercado is a tech-focused journalist and copywriter with over 5 years of experience covering innovation, edtech, AI, and internet trends across media outlets. She is passionate about how technology can democratize access to education and is an avid learner when it comes to emerging tech like AI. Her articles and webinars help readers stay informed on the latest tech developments.

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